Home 9 Case Studies & Testimonials


Anti-Vibrational (UK Purchasing Director)

Our company and QuTec have a long-standing relationship over four decades which continues in strength, year in, year out. What we look for in any supplier is one that truly understands what we need and what we expect. These suppliers are hard to find in the marketplace today, so when they do come along it is important to utilise them. Our Quality requirements have only ever increased throughout the years, and QuTec have taken these on board and continue to work with us to ensure a reliable quality product is delivered into our business on time, every time.

The two companies have a very open and honest approach to each other. When challenges come up, they are discussed, and solutions found. QuTec has a mentality of putting the customer first and we appreciate this in our business when trying to achieve our customersโ€™ expectations. We know full well that parts could be procured from Asia sources at a lower price, but we also know that more important than this is the โ€œright first timeโ€ element with no disruption to our business. The importance of this cannot be underestimated and that is why we see QuTec as one of our most important partners and continue to do so for a long time to come.

Domestic Heating (UK Purchasing Manager)

QuTec Pershore Ltd have been the major supplier of metal pressings to our company for over 15 years and continue to be rated as a key supplier through our Supplier Assessment Records. Their experience, knowledge and tool maintenance are highly regarded. Over the last seven years QuTecโ€™s willingness to invest in the latest technology has enabled us to source large quantities of fabrication work, using their CNC Laser, Press Brakes, welding services, and Vertical Machining centre facilities. This has proved a great success and provides our company with a โ€˜one stop shopโ€™ facility for all our subcontract requirements. QuTec continue to be competitive, quality driven, reliable and are a pleasure to deal with.

Agriculture (UK Supply Chain Manager)

As an ethical business, we choose and monitor our suppliers extremely carefully. Appropriate supply partners are key to maintaining and developing our business and our strategy of supporting local businesses is an extension of our desire to deal fairly with our key suppliers. QuTec Pershore Ltd have been one of our most important partners for over 25 years.ย  In this time, they have consistently been a pleasure to work with, being willing to accommodate the ever-changing requirements of a growing SME.ย  Their ability to offer many different fabrication and pressing methods have been extremely helpful at all stages of product design, development, and production, to ensure cost effective and timely solutions are found and maintained throughout the life of a product.ย 

The two key elements that our company values in QuTec as a supply partner are their management of their quality systems and the service their employee team provides. Quality remains at a consistently good level and on the few occasions we have experienced minor issues, these have been resolved promptly and satisfactorily. This leads onto their people, who are supportive of our business growth. The responsiveness at all levels to our needs and requests is well valued and often called upon.ย 

I know I speak for my colleagues when I say we enjoy the ability to be able to call up and discuss requests or issues in the knowledge that we will obtain a positive outcome. Overall, we value our supplier relationship with QuTec and look forward to how we can further improve processes and grow our businesses together.

Flood Defence (Research & Development/Project Manager)

QuTec Pershore Ltd have been a key metal fabricating supplier to our company for the last 3 years. Their previous knowledge and experience in the UK and overseas Flood defence arena has proven invaluable and their ability to offer many different fabrication methods have been extremely helpful at all stages of product design, development, and production. We have come to trust and rely upon QuTec and their willingness to supply everything from prototype parts, one off orders, large, fabricated project pieces as well as continuous batch production of components. Their attention to detail through their entire service process offered is imperative to the quality delivery of many large flood defence fabrication projects they have successfully delivered.

Domestic Heating (UK Purchasing Manager)

QuTec Pershore Ltd have been the major supplier of metal pressings to our company for over 15 years and continue to be rated as a key supplier through our Supplier Assessment Records. Their experience, knowledge and tool maintenance are highly regarded. Over the last seven years QuTecโ€™s willingness to invest in the latest technology has enabled us to source large quantities of fabrication work, using their CNC Laser, Press Brakes, welding services, and Vertical Machining centre facilities. This has proved a great success and provides our company with a โ€˜one stop shopโ€™ facility for all our subcontract requirements. QuTec continue to be competitive, quality driven, reliable and are a pleasure to deal with.

Flood Defence (Research & Development/Project Manager)

QuTec Pershore Ltd have been a key metal fabricating supplier to our company for the last 3 years. Their previous knowledge and experience in the UK and overseas Flood defence arena has proven invaluable and their ability to offer many different fabrication methods have been extremely helpful at all stages of product design, development, and production. We have come to trust and rely upon QuTec and their willingness to supply everything from prototype parts, one off orders, large, fabricated project pieces as well as continuous batch production of components. Their attention to detail through their entire service process offered is imperative to the quality delivery of many large flood defence fabrication projects they have successfully delivered.


Case Studies

Case Study: Domestic Heating

Case Study: Domestic Heating

CHALLENGE: To produce a sample working wood burner unit, fit for function and to a standard required to undergo compulsory testing necessary for further production. PROBLEM TO OVERCOME: The first challenge was to reverse engineer the wood burner by our customer from...

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Case Study: Flood Defence

Case Study: Flood Defence

CHALLENGE: To produce one single and one double prototype flood gate for our customerโ€™s exhibition that was fully functional and water tight. The requirement was a tight deadline of 10 days from order and within this lead time our own design had to be conceived as...

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Case Study: Anti-Vibration

Case Study: Anti-Vibration

CHALLENGE: To produce High quality, high volume batches of 20mm mild steel components to tolerances that exceed British Standards and repeatability time after time. This needed to be done in the most competitive manner with the least amount of operations within the...

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Case Study: Reverse Engineering

Case Study: Reverse Engineering

An automotive parts supplier came to us with a unique challenge. They were being asked to develop a replacement for a part that was last manufactured in 1958. All we had to work with was a sample part that did not operate correctly and a limited quantity of drawings...

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10 Reasons to work with QuTec


Design assistance and


Highly Experienced and skilled Workforce


Variable sized production runs available


Up to date state of the
art CNC machinery


Fully serviced Presses ranging from 20T-500T


Value Conscious & Cost effective


Reputable Family Business with long history in metal forming


Well trusted and
highly rated


ISO 9001-2015 Quality Management system


ISO45001 H & S


Design assistance
and advice


Highly Experienced
and skilled Workforce


Variable sized production
runs available


Up to date state of the
art CNC machinery


Fully serviced Presses
ranging from 20T-500T


Value Conscious
and Cost effective


Reputable Family Business with long history in metal forming


Well trusted and
highly rated


ISO 9001-2015 Quality
Management system


H & S


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