What Materials Can We Cut?
Mild steel, Aluminium, Stainless steel, High-Tensile steel, and brass. (Sheet metal)
What Metals Can We Press?
Mild steel, Aluminium, Stainless steel, High-Tensile steel, Copper and Brass. (Sheet metal)
What is Laser Cutting?
Laser cutting is a manufacturing process which can eliminate the need for machining on many engineering jobs, enabling you to save money on manufacturing costs.
What is Presswork / Stamping?
The Press or Power Press represents a specific type of machine tool, essential in the performance of industrial manufacturing processes. Presses deliver energy through a force that acts over a distance or stroke.
Why use Laser manufacturing process over Presswork?
Laser cutting can be used for producing flat blanks of almost any shape and its versatility lends itself to applications in a wide variety of industries from model making to shipbuilding but one of its most important features is its ability to produce blanks without the need for hard tooling.
How big can we make one piece of sheet metal work?
3m x 1.5m as a singular part without joining (welding, riveting, gluing, assembling).