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Precision and Quality: Gas Stove Manufacturing at QuTec Pershore Ltd

Precision and Quality: Gas Stove Manufacturing at QuTec Pershore Ltd

Another batch of Gas Stove Bodies have been expertly manufactured at QuTec Pershore Ltd and are nearly ready for delivery this month!

QuTec continues to be the preferred supplier of choice with our valued customer, having produced 1000’s of stoves across multiple design variations of their gas range stove bodies for over 10 years!

In addition to these durable stove bodies, QuTec also produces other essential accessories, including throat plates and draft diverters (not shown in the photographs).

These fabrications have just returned from one of our approved ISO 9001 sub-contractor specialist painters, where they were treated with a Thermacure satin black high-temperature paint system finish.

Applied at 110 microns wet film thickness / 25 microns dry film thickness and cured at 180-200°C, this finish ensures exceptional durability and a sleek appearance. The curing process is completed naturally, when the end user finally lights their stove once installed and commissioned in their home.

This particular stove model features:
-A tough and elegant steel body, throat plate and draft diverter manufactured to our customers designs by QuTec.
-A stylish cast-iron square bevelled door, assembled by our customer.
-High temperature specialist paint finish.

We’re proud to support our customers by delivering exceptional manufacturing quality that complements their designs and craftsmanship.

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Anti-Vibrational (UK Purchasing Director)

Our company and QuTec have a long-standing relationship over four decades which continues in strength, year in, year out. What we look for in any supplier is one that truly understands what we need and what we expect. These suppliers are hard to find in the marketplace today, so when they do come along it is important to utilise them. Our Quality requirements have only ever increased throughout the years, and QuTec have taken these on board and continue to work with us to ensure a reliable quality product is delivered into our business on time, every time.

Qutec continue to be competitive, quality driven, reliable and are a pleasure to deal with.

Agriculture (UK Supply Chain Manager)

As an ethical business, we choose and monitor our suppliers extremely carefully. Appropriate supply partners are key to maintaining and developing our business and our strategy of supporting local businesses is an extension of our desire to deal fairly with our key suppliers. QuTec Pershore Ltd have been one of our most important partners for over 25 years.  In this time, they have consistently been a pleasure to work with, being willing to accommodate the ever-changing requirements of a growing SME.  Their ability to offer many different fabrication and pressing methods have been extremely helpful at all stages of product design, development, and production, to ensure cost effective and timely solutions are found and maintained throughout the life of a product. 

I know I speak for my colleagues when I say we enjoy the ability to be able to call up and discuss requests or issues in the knowledge that we will obtain a positive outcome. Overall, we value our supplier relationship with QuTec and look forward to how we can further improve processes and grow our businesses together.

Domestic Heating (UK Purchasing Manager)

QuTec Pershore Ltd have been the major supplier of metal pressings to our company for over 15 years and continue to be rated as a key supplier through our Supplier Assessment Records. Their experience, knowledge and tool maintenance are highly regarded. Over the last seven years QuTec’s willingness to invest in the latest technology has enabled us to source large quantities of fabrication work, using their CNC Laser, Press Brakes, welding services, and Vertical Machining centre facilities. This has proved a great success and provides our company with a ‘one stop shop’ facility for all our subcontract requirements. QuTec continue to be competitive, quality driven, reliable and are a pleasure to deal with.

Flood Defence (Research & Development/Project Manager)

QuTec Pershore Ltd have been a key metal fabricating supplier to our company for the last 3 years. Their previous knowledge and experience in the UK and overseas Flood defence arena has proven invaluable and their ability to offer many different fabrication methods have been extremely helpful at all stages of product design, development, and production. We have come to trust and rely upon QuTec and their willingness to supply everything from prototype parts, one off orders, large, fabricated project pieces as well as continuous batch production of components. Their attention to detail through their entire service process offered is imperative to the quality delivery of many large flood defence fabrication projects they have successfully delivered. 

Domestic Heating (UK Purchasing Manager)

QuTec Pershore Ltd have been the major supplier of metal pressings to our company for over 15 years and continue to be rated as a key supplier through our Supplier Assessment Records. Their experience, knowledge and tool maintenance are highly regarded. Over the last seven years QuTec’s willingness to invest in the latest technology has enabled us to source large quantities of fabrication work, using their CNC Laser, Press Brakes, welding services, and Vertical Machining centre facilities. This has proved a great success and provides our company with a ‘one stop shop’ facility for all our subcontract requirements. QuTec continue to be competitive, quality driven, reliable and are a pleasure to deal with.

Flood Defence (Research & Development/Project Manager)

QuTec Pershore Ltd have been a key metal fabricating supplier to our company for the last 3 years. Their previous knowledge and experience in the UK and overseas Flood defence arena has proven invaluable and their ability to offer many different fabrication methods have been extremely helpful at all stages of product design, development, and production. We have come to trust and rely upon QuTec and their willingness to supply everything from prototype parts, one off orders, large, fabricated project pieces as well as continuous batch production of components. Their attention to detail through their entire service process offered is imperative to the quality delivery of many large flood defence fabrication projects they have successfully delivered. 

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